Nourishes ⎮ Fortifies ⎮ Refreshes
Coca leaves
Coca from Bolivia

A true & delicious elixir

For all kinds of cocktails… The best known is called “the royal elixir”, served with champagne hit with a dose of Vin Tonique Mariani and a lemon zest.
The invigorating power of wine combined with the exhilarating effects of champagne makes it an explosive cocktail that makes it deliciously colored and flavored.

Legendary know-how

The Mariani Tonic Wine with coca from Bolivia shared its legendary taste and know-how and made it a product in its own right. 
Reproduced with its original 50 cl container, contains 16% vol.
Gets better with age...
Mariani cocktails made with coca wine



Awarded to Coca Mariani for its Mariani Tonic Wine.


Médaille d'or 2018 attribuée à la Maison Coca Mariani pour son Vin Tonique Mariani
Poster Wine Mariani Coca Mariani 1863 the original recipe


De la bouteille Coca Mariani, s’authentifie par la CAPSULE qui doit porter la signature de M. Mariani.
Coca Mariani bottle label

They talk about us:

Who owns the name "Coke"? Interview with Christophe Mariani
See the interview
Corsican newspaper
History of the first coca drink made in Corsica
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The Nation
Elon Musk said he would buy Coca-Cola and promised to make a controversial change to its formula
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The Epoch Times
Pemberton's French Wine Coca and other investment adventures
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Europe 1
A Corsican wine sued by Coca-Cola, which accuses it of having stolen its formula
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DAVID VERSUS GOLIATH Coca-Cola vs Coca Mariani: the transatlantic standoff
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The Times
Coca-Cola tries to ban Coca Mariani, the aperitif that inspired it
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The New York Times
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Le Figaro
“It’s a bit like killing the father”: Coca-Cola attacks Corsican wine Coca Mariani
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Corsican wine Coca Mariani in Coca-Cola’s viewfinder
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The Dispatch
Coca-Cola goes to war against an old Corsican wine, Coca Mariani
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France 3
Corsica: Coca-Cola Company declares war on Coca Mariani wine
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South West
Why is Coca Mariani, a Corsican spirit wine, attacked by the multinational Coca-Cola?
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The Parisian
Corsican wine “Coca Mariani” against Coca-Cola: 5 minutes to understand this legal battle
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Corsica Morning
When the “Coke” war is openly declared
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Los Angeles Times
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Corsica Net Info
Coca Mariani in the crosshairs of the giant Coca-Cola
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Relais du vin & Co
Coca-Cola attacks Corsican wine Coca Mariani
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Coca-Cola attacks Corsican wine Coca Mariani
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The French Wine Review
The island cola that makes Coca-Cola bitter
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The Guardian
It's not enough to be a celebrity brand. Today you must be a guru
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Goliath against David "Coca Mariani": when Coca-Cola rubs shoulders with a little Corsican wine!
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West France
A Corsican wine in the sights of Coca-Cola, which accuses it of creating a risk of confusion
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Mariani and coca wine
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Intellectual property: Coca-Cola attacks the Corsicans!
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Read the article
When medicines were in every store
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